Adopting a child is an exciting time for many families in Florida. Thousands of families have adopted children from other countries to create or add to their family. Part of the international adoption process is obtaining a visa for the new child and gaining child...
Child Citizenship
The Hague Process for international adoption
Many Miami families go through the international adoption process each year with the hope of bringing home an addition to the family. In terms of the law governing international adoptions in particular, the Hague Process offers important safeguards to protect birth...
Helping families bring their children to Florida
There are many people in Florida who have family members in other countries. While the bond between any family member can be strong, there is a unique bond between children and parents. It is important for parents to have their children living with them. This is not...
Differences between IH-3, IR-3, IH-4 and IR-4 visas for children
There are many people in Florida who would love to have a family. However, there are many reasons why they may not be able to have their own biological children and begin the adoption process or choose to adopt instead of having their own children. Many of these...
What is the criteria for an orphan adoption to the U.S.?
Florida residents who are seeking to adopt a child from overseas should be aware of the orphan process used by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Given the fluctuating and unpredictable events that are happening in the world today, more and more children...
Can child citizenship be given to a child born out of wedlock?
With the new immigration policy of the U.S. seemingly having proposed changes on a daily basis and people frightened and concerned about themselves and loved ones, a litany of issues are coming to the forefront in Miami and across the U.S. This is particularly...
The Child Citizenship Act grants citizen to certain children
Floridians and people across the nation are naturally shaken and concerned given the tumultuous time for immigrants in the United States. Attempts to change established law and prevent people from entering the country are ongoing. This upheaval has even affected those...
Lawsuit urges attorneys be required in child immigrant cases
In recent years it has become tragically common for unaccompanied children to travel thousands of miles from Central America to the Florida and other places in the U.S. to flee oppression or rejoin family members in America. When they arrive, many are arrested and...
How do children obtain U.S. citizenship through foreign adoption?
Many couples and individuals in the Miami area seek to expand their family; however, not everyone is able to have children naturally. Therefore, families frequently turn to adoption when conception and a surrogate is not a viable option. While domestic adoptions are...
Kids of any age struggle to adjust after international adoption
Adding to your family through international adoption can be one of the most fulfilling and joyful experiences in a parent's life. This is not to say it is easy. In fact, there are a number of challenges that come with not only becoming parents but with becoming...