Miami is home to a large immigrant community. Immigrants are weaved into every aspect of our society. They’re parents, children and workers. They offer benefits for everyone in the Miami area and are an integral part of the community. The Trump administration has spent quite a bit of effort in dealing with immigration issues with new policies seeming to appear weekly. The latest U.S. immigration law issue deals with deportation.
The Trump administration has expanded the number of categories that can be used in order to deport someone. The new categories not only affect illegal immigrants, but also legal immigrants who lose their immigration benefits or status. The new categories are listed in the Notices to Appear, which are given to those who are ordered to appear in immigration court. The new categories are cases in which fraud or false representation are present, cases in which immigrants have misused public benefits, cases in which immigrants have been accused or convicted of a criminal offense and others.
Immigrants in the U.S. may feel like they are under constant threat from the government. It seems like there is always a new policy targeting immigrants and their families. Immigrants in the U.S. who need help with legal matters may want to contact an attorney who practices in immigration law. An attorney understands the complicated matters that are involved in immigration and can attempt to help their clients with all of their challenging needs. They can try to help with deportation defenses, immigration appeals, visas, employment immigration and other issues. An attorney has the skills to attempt to untangle legal problems that threaten a person’s immigration status.