A tragic incident in Bradenton, Florida, cost three senior citizens their lives and injured four more people. The fatal accident occurred just outside of a country club when a driver backed into a group that had just left church services on Sunday morning, Feb. 2.
The group had gathered to converse near a clubhouse that was part of a mobile home park following services when a woman, also a senior citizen, struck them with her SUV. According the Florida Highway Patrol, the woman was attempting to avoid hitting another parked car as she was backing out of her spot. Reportedly, after she struck the group of people, she continued over a curb and into some trees before stopping. Her vehicle ended up “partially submerged” in a nearby canal.
So far, the driver has not been charged with any crime. However, FHP says it is still investigating the incident. They have yet to determine just why the driver did not see the group standing there or why she was not able to avoid hitting them. However, a local newspaper reported that the woman said that she accidentally put the vehicle into reverse rather than drive. Authorities have said that alcohol was not a factor. Neither the driver nor her husband, who was a passenger in the SUV, were hurt.
The three people who died in the accident were in their 70s and 80s. One died at the scene, while the others succumbed to their injuries at the hospital. The conditions of the surviving victims were not known. However, a witness said they had “bloody knees and heads.”
Regardless of whether any criminal charges are filed against the driver of the SUV, families of those who died in this tragic incident, as well as those who were injured, may be able to file civil lawsuits seeking damages. Surviving family members of those who died may be able to file wrongful death suits to recover damages including claims like funeral expenses and loss of companionship. Personal injury attorneys can advise them of their options.
While no amount of money can undo the horrible consequences, it can help provide some financial stability that will give those impacted by the accident one less thing to worry about as they move forward.
Source: Liberty Voice, “Bradenton Florida Car Accident Results in Three Fatalities” Donna Westlund, Feb. 02, 2014