Lauren Olivia Gallagher

Lauren Olivia Gallagher
Lauren Gallagher is a Partner with KKTP, practicing in all areas of medical malpractice, wrongful death, and personal injury. Lauren joined KKTP in the spring of 2016 as a law clerk and continued with the Firm upon obtaining her Florida law license.
Admitted to practice in the State of Florida, she has successfully litigated cases throughout Florida and the United States. Her nationwide practice emphasizes cases involving the misdiagnosis of kidney disease. Lauren prides herself in representing her clients with the expertise and dedication that each case deserves.
Lauren is a graduate of the University of Miami School of Law and the University of Tampa.
- University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, Florida
- J.D. – 2016
- Law Review: University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review, Articles Editor
- The University of Tampa, Tampa, Florida
- B.S. – 2012
- Honors: magna cum laude
- Florida, 2016
- 2017 Florida Bar Journal Excellence in Writing Award
- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review Outstanding Member of the Year 2014 – 2015
Published Works
- Lauren Gallagher, Taylor and Jed Kurzban, Neither goose nor gander: Why tort reform fails all, Florida Bar Journal. Vol. 98, No. 5. (2024), https://www.floridabar.org/the-florida-bar-journal/neither-goose-nor-gander-why-tort-reform-fails-all/.
- Lauren Gallager & Jed Kurzban, An Overview of Kidney Disease Medical Malpractice Litigation, AAJ Negl. Section Blog (July 27, 2021), https://community.justice.org/blogs/aaj-blogs1/2021/07/27/an-overview-of-kidney-disease-medical-malpractice.
- Lauren Gallagher & Jed Kurzban, The Right Case Away from Eliminating a Separate Class of Citizenry in Florida Wrongful Death Cases, FJA. J. (2020)
- Jed Kurzban, Lauren Gallagher & Samira Arabnia, It is Time for Florida Courts to Re-visit Gooding, Fla. B.J. (2017)
- Jed Kurzban, Lauren Gallagher & Elaine Kussurelis, Offers of Judgment: The Current Minefield, FJA. J. (2017)
- Lauren Gallagher, Should the United States Move Towards Portugal’s Decriminalization of Drugs?, 22 U. Miami Intl. & Comp. L. Rev. 207 (2015).
Professional Associations
- American Association of Justice
- Florida Justice Association
- American Bar Association
- Dade County Bar Association
- Florida Association for Women Lawyers