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Experienced lawyers for help with family immigration in Miami

On Behalf of | Mar 15, 2017 | Family Immigration |

Now more than ever, immigration is becoming complicated and worrisome. This is particularly true for Miami residents who are trying to get a spouse into the United States on a marriage-based visa. Even those who are seeking or have achieved citizenship or have a visitor visa must be worried about the fluctuating rules regarding immigration in the U.S. Because of that and the rules and mandates the Immigration and Naturalization Service is being ordered to follow, it is even more imperative to have legal assistance.

People who are immigrants and are related to U.S. citizens have options when they are seeking to come to the U.S. The visa types can vary depending on the circumstances. Immediate relatives include children under the age of 21, parents and spouses of those who have achieved citizenship. FB stands for “family based.” FB-1 First Preference individuals are those who are the unmarried sons and daughters of U.S citizens. FB-2 Third Preference means married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens. FB-4 Fourth Preference is for brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens. K-1 and K-3 fiancée visas are for those who are engaged to U.S. citizens and are eligible for these visas that last for 90 days. And a K-3 visa is for spouses of U.S. citizens who have a petition to be permanent residents but it has yet to be approved and forwarded to the U.S. consulate in the home country of the spouse.

Families of permanent residents also have options including: FB-2A Second Preference for spouses and unmarried children of permanent residents. The FB-2B Second Preference is for the adult children of permanent residents. V visas are for the spouses or offspring of lawful permanent residents provided the permanent resident filed the petition for them prior to December 21, 2000 and it is still pending. There are also other options that are available for those seeking to come and live in the U.S.

Needless to say, immigration is a growing issue in the U.S. However, the laws are still in place and people who are in the U.S. legally have rights to bring family members over as well. Discussing the matter with an attorney who is experienced in family immigration can provide assistance and guidance regardless of the situation.



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