Many Florida residents place their trust in the doctors and staff at local hospitals. When medical malpractice occurs, that trust can be broken. Injuries caused by medical malpractice errors affect thousands of people and cost billions of dollars each year. When these errors occur, taking legal action may be a solution.
Medical malpractice errors can take many forms. For example, if a doctor who is caring for a patient prescribes too much medication and the patient becomes sick, that doctor may be guilty of medical malpractice. If a patient suffers severe side effects after undergoing surgery, the surgical team may have made a serious medical error. These kinds of errors can cause serious pain and suffering as well as long-term physical problems. Other types of medical errors can include infections at the site of drug administration, bedsores and incorrect diagnoses.
A recent government study discovered that medical errors in U.S. hospitals declined 17 percent from 2010 to 2013. Despite this progress, the report indicated that approximately one out of 10 patients in hospitals experienced a medical error. This statistic means that thousands of patients are still suffering from medical errors each year. When the consequences are so severe, even a small number of medical mistakes is still too many.
Medical malpractice endangers patients, risks lives and costs billions of dollars each year. An attorney may be able to help a patient who has been injured as the result of hospital error. By studying medical records from hospitals and consulting with other medical experts, an attorney may be able to present evidence in court that indicates errors on the part of hospital staff. If this is successful, the patient may be awarded financial compensation for their injuries or illnesses.
Source: CBS News, “U.S. hospitals making fewer deadly errors, study finds“, December 02, 2014