Modern hospitals face many hurdles that can cause big problems over time. Of these issues, overworked staffs and understaffed shifts often make up some of the riskiest environments. What sort of issues happen in hospitals that have these problems? And is there...
Hospital Negligence
Ways that patients can help prevent medical errors
Florida patients should be aware of options available to them to help reduce the risk of medical errors and complications arising from malpractice. The federal government says hospitals and health care providers generally are performing better than ever before, but...
The misuse of electronic medical records
Hospitals and other medical providers in Florida and other states are expanding their use of electronic medical records, known as EMRs. EMRs replace much of the paper medical records and can result in more accurate charting due to real-time entries by a physician or...
Study finds new labels on IV bags can reduce errors
Medication errors can lead to serious complications and deaths. In fact, roughly 98,000 patients in U.S. hospitals die every year because of medication errors, according to the Institute of Medicine. Medication errors can be caused by using the wrong drugs, giving the...
Legal assistance for your medical malpractice case
Far too many people in Florida and around the country have been damaged as a result of the negligence of health care professionals and facilities. If you or a loved one has suffered such an occurrence, you may wonder where to turn in order to seek financial redress...
Medical malpractice in hospitals
Many Florida residents place their trust in the doctors and staff at local hospitals. When medical malpractice occurs, that trust can be broken. Injuries caused by medical malpractice errors affect thousands of people and cost billions of dollars each year. When these...
Florida health care facilities and liability issues
A patient expects to receive competent care at a medical facility, but the actions of an unqualified or inadequately trained staff member could result in the quality of care being substandard. In some cases, such issues can even result in adverse events for a patient....
Mentally ill man allegedly abused in Florida state hospital
Video footage was recently released of an incident at a Florida state hospital in December; said footage reportedly depicts a schizophrenic patient locked alone in a dark room for an extended period of time while the nurse charged with his care sits outside the door....
Florida hospital liability issues and the EMTALA
Inability to pay may be a concern for an individual seeking urgent medical attention in a Florida facility, but the nation's Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act was passed in 1986 to address this concern so that people would not need to fear being turned away....
Useful facts about medical professionals
Individuals in Florida should keep in mind that when they are under a doctor's care, there are several things to watch out for. One is medication errors. These rise by 10 percent in July when new residents arrive in hospitals, but individuals should always question...