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Examples of catastrophic injuries

On Behalf of | Feb 1, 2021 | Personal Injury |

An injury of any kind may alter immediate plans. However, some injuries pack more of a punch and require long-term changes in how a person lives. 

Catastrophic injuries are the most serious a person may face. The damage to the body is largely irreparable. Learn more about some of the most common catastrophic injuries a person may suffer after an accident. 

Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

A blow to the head may result in minor injuries that require rest and follow-up. In some instances, damage to the head may permanently alter the brain. A traumatic brain injury or TBI may leave a person unable to speak, see or move. The location of the damage may tell doctors what corresponding body systems may face alteration. A person with a TBI may experience a drastic change in the quality of life and life expectancy. 

Spinal cord injury

The spine is another piece of the central nervous system along with the brain. The cord is a complex and sensitive network of fibrous nerves that transmits impulses to and from the brain. Damage to the cord results in paralysis of the body below the point of injury. The result requires lifetime medical care and rehab. 

Severed limb

Some accidents cause irreparable damage to a limb. A crush injury from a construction site may necessitate the removal of the affected limb. Amputation of a limb is catastrophic to the way a person may live. While artificial limbs may help over time, losing a leg or arm causes a permanent deviation from a person’s previous life plan. 

A catastrophic injury is second only to death in impacting a person and his or her immediate family. Immediate medical intervention is crucial after a traumatic injury. 



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