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Types of FDA recalls for defective products

Types of FDA recalls for defective products

People in Florida have many different options for almost any type of product they may want to purchase. Some are more diligent than others when they decide what product they will buy, but everyone expects that the product they purchase will work like it is supposed to work. Some of these products are designed and made better than other products though. Sometimes products break through no fault of the owner, which can be very frustrating.

However, sometimes the defective product does more than just frustrate the owner, sometimes defective products cause injuries. To try and protect against this happening most products must meet certain safety requirements established by the FDA. If products do not meet the standards after sales have started or the product is found to be defective, the FDA issues recalls of the products to protect consumers.

There are different types of recalls though, which could result in legal action by the FDA. The most serious type of recall is a Class I recall. These are issued if use or exposure to the product will cause serious health problems or even death. The next type of recall is a Class II recall, which is issued if the product may cause temporary health problems which can be reversed through medical treatment. The next is a Class III recall, which is issued when a product is defective but is not likely to cause any health issues.

There are many defective products that have injured people in Florida. Whether these products were a part of an FDA recall or not, the victim of these defective products may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. This compensation can be extremely important as people need to pay for medical bills and may need to replace income that was lost if they were unable to work while injured. Experienced attorneys understand the devastation of these injuries and may be able to protect one’s rights.

Source:, “Safety – Background and Definitions,” accessed on July 31, 2017